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Some advice on setups Please

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Several years ago I purchased a Skywatcher 150 PDS with EQ5 Pro Synscan from WEX with a view to getting into Astrophotography.

I used it for a couple of years on and off and only realise now, that Im keen to revisit the hobby, that I may have taken the wrong equipment advice in this pursuit.

Im now looking for ideas on a best bang for the buck refractor to match the EQ5 if possible and maybe try some DSO.

Any advice on a scope to go for?

Please bear in mind that I use a Canon 7D with the 150PDS.

Thanks in advance.





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Have you considered the Samyang 135mm f2 lens? It can cover a full frame camera sensor and would be much more forgiving to use on the EQ5 (balance seems to be crucial on this mount, I've struggled to get consistent subs with a heavy 200mm f2.8 lens in the past).

Here's an example of what the Samyang lens can produce, using a old modded DSLR and clip-in Ha filter.

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