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NEQ6 grease/oil ALT AZ bolts


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Hey, my ALT AZ bolts are quite stiff, they're not very hard to move in general, but it is hard to get a fine tune for polar align right now.

I know there are the 3 bolts for the altitude bolts to make it easier or harder, but I'd like to avoid if possible removing the plate etc.
I'll first try to grease/oil it, which is why I'm asking here, first of all, would it be better greasing or oiling? I know that grease is mostly used for inner mount parts, bearings etc, not sure if it's good for the bolts as well.

So what should I use? I'll need to buy from aliexpress/ebay, so please try to send a link from one of these if possible, or just grease/oil type.

Thanks :)

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23 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

I would go for a thick grease, maybe high pressure grease or molybdenum sulphide based grease.

Thanks! Any chance for a specific item you might be familiar with? And how much should that cost?

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On 24/04/2020 at 13:40, MarkAR said:

Amazon doesn't ship to my country due to the covid, so my options are only aliexpress/ebay, couldn't really find something similar for a decent price there. Can you tell me what would be the best search keywords?

Would something like this for example do the job? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000396969406.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2ac92c11HW9iib&algo_pvid=075f0dde-3b4f-4729-ab1a-79199c765a73&algo_expid=075f0dde-3b4f-4729-ab1a-79199c765a73-2&btsid=0ab50f0815878213286366777e4293&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_


Edited by msacco
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1 minute ago, MarkAR said:

No idea about that stuff. Try searching for Molybdenum Disulphate Grease but in reality I would think any thick sticky grease will work. 

Molybdenum Disulphate Grease doesn't seem to bring up any good results it seems. Just wondering, would thick sticky grease actually be good here? I know that grease could also make things worse at times(harder, more stiff etc).
Not very familiar with that stuff so don't really know.


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On 25/04/2020 at 18:54, MarkAR said:

Try Molygrease, Ebay Israel ?

Yes I am from Israel, Molygrease doesn't seem to bring much results as well(I find it for around $6, but additional $22 for shipping 😕 )

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45 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Ok then, just go for anything you can lay your hands on. Something would be better than nothing.

You don't think that some grease/oil type could make it worse? Should I just get any grease I could get?

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