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Well -FINALLY- M51

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Good, clear nights have been at a premium the last month, but I have managed a few sessions and decided to try M51, as it is listed as "EASY" in most of the HOWTO's and videos about the night sky.  For the last month or so, I have tried and failed more times than I care to mention.  Granted, most of the nights there was a high level mist layer that made only bright stars visible with the naked eye, but I figured  I could manage if I kept at it.  I failed a LOT.

For a while I doubted the ability of the GOTO scope to get close enough for me to identify the target.  I even spent one night with an angle finder and compass trying to verify the Alt/Az numbers on the reflector tube (a method that has served me well for objects that actually ARE easy).  Eventually, I did a 1 star alignment on Alioth (the nearest star presented as a default option for alignment in SynScanPro) and then did a GOTO to the object.  This time, it worked, though like most deep sky objects I have managed, it was not very obvious.

One hundred ten-second subs later, I had something to work with.  Here is my initial result.  I still have work to do with the image.  I didn't even apply darks to this one yet, it has a lot of noise and I seem to have lost a bit of focus in the stacking (Siril) compared to some of the single images.

Processing suggestions gratefully accepted.


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1 hour ago, laser_jock99 said:

Sharper- but colour balance looks a bit on the green/yellow side to me?

Yes, I had trouble with that.  The stacked image was heavy green/yellow.  I almost thought it was only the green channel when I first saw it.  I did a LOT of work in GIMP to try to reduce the "shamrock effect." Not sure why yet.  It may be that I had the levels a bit out of whack on the imaging software (AstroDMx_Capture) when the subs were imaged.  Looking at a fuzzy blob and deciding that the color balance is OK is difficult.  I need to take another look at the subs and see if it was imaging or processing.

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The green hue is apparently in the original image capture.  Very strong green.  I must have had the color balance way off.  AstroDMx_Capture has a "One Button White Balance" that I may have pushed, even though I haven't really ever been pleased with the result after I pushed it. 

Or, the red lights may have altered my ability to judge color properly.

Or, I was so glad I actually had M51 in the FOV that I didn't take time to properly adjust things.

Or, I'm just a putz! :D

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Plate solving gives you godlike powers. I weep when I think of all the cumulative hours I spent raging because I couldn't get the target in view after an hour of trying.

And I blush when it stops working for some reason and I discover that instead of a sophisticated astronomer, I'm really just a newb with a lot of expensive toys. 🙂

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WRT the color balance, how are you analyzing the images as they come off the camera? I assume you're using a one-shot color camera of some sort; what do your histograms look like, and what file format are you recording to?

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5 hours ago, rickwayne said:

WRT the color balance, how are you analyzing the images as they come off the camera? I assume you're using a one-shot color camera of some sort; what do your histograms look like, and what file format are you recording to?

I analyzed the images that came off the camera by looking at one and saying, "Dang!  That really looks green."  Post the post-processing, of course.

The camera is a SVBony 305 (2M CMOS in 24 bit RGB mode).  

I can write many formats, but typically use TIFs or direct to FITs.  In this instance, TIFs.

The histograms that were created by the capture program were deleted by the operator :D

It is pretty certain that IF I had taken the time to look at the image before mashing the "capture 100 images" button, I might have noticed how abnormally green it was.  As it seems certain you can appreciate, I was so overjoyed at looking at the correct object, my other alleged skills took a backseat.

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