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Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks April 21-22

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The annual Lyrid Meteor Shower may already be underway. It is expected to peak during the night of 2020 APR 21-22. Its radiant is in the constellation Lyra near the bright star Vega. That is the direction toward which the meteor tails point, but the meteors are equally likely to appear anywhere in your sky.

 The Lyrids are debris from the long period Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. They have been observed for the past 2700 years, longer than any other meteor shower.

 The Lyrids typically present about 20 meteors per hour for sharp eyed observers, although this has varied considerably with 700 per hour seen in 1803. The show begins after Lyra rises, which is in the early evening for mid-latitude northern hemisphere observers, but much later in the southern hemisphere. It will continue through morning twilight.

 The Moon will be in its Dark phase during the peak this year, thus providing no interference around that time. Reduced road traffic due to the pandemic should provide clearer than usual skies.

 Descriptions of the shower or perhaps even lucky photos would be welcome additions to this thread. 


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i see we are due cloud for the next several nights in a row, typical :( 


so the peak night is 22nd at around 3am, so bascially tomorrow evening, im pondering to head out to my dark site at the forest as no one should be there from this virus so should be all ok

Edited by tingting44
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As my camera was clicking away at 2 o'clock this morning here in California, I read a Twitter post that you guys in the UK had a disappointing evening. And so it was for me. This is a combination of two frames from 188 captures. Not much to show for all the trouble but it was a beautiful evening to be out. And no traffic on the way home



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