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Hi everyone

Imaging alone for the first time in ages, it's strange not to have to translate every other sentence or have anyone else to blame or yell at! I managed 16 x 5 minutes frames before impatience took grip. Not ideal a 250p when you're alone, but anyway I was blessed with amazingly steady skies, albeit with some haze thrown up by the onshore easterlies. Had I not cut this short, I feel there's be more to be had in the outer bits.

DUH moment: After having focused the main camera, calibrated the oag and plate solved, I realised I'd attached the camera 90º out; there are more galaxies to be had in the intended orientation. How do you remember which -according to ekos' plate solve or kstars' skychart- is 0º when you attach the camera to the focuser? I couldn't be bothered to turn the camera, re-calibrate...

Anyway, without on the ground feedback or anyone to look over my shoulder, comments would be most welcome.

Thanks for looking, clear skies and keep safe.



Edited by alacant
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