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OSC Help

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A few weeks ago I graduated from DSLR imaging to mono imaging with filters. I don’t regret it. It’s more time-consuming both during and after capture, but much more rewarding. My set-up includes an ASI1600MM Pro Cooled camera with an automatic 7-filter wheel. 

I have two scopes (refractor/Newtonian) but one mount, so now I’m looking to buy another (better) mount and having two rigs on the go. Therefore I’m also considering buying an OSC camera - probably an ASI294MC Pro Cooled.

However, I could save a load of dosh by re-employing my DSLR, so should I just do that instead? Are there significant advantages in using a dedicated OSC camera over a DSLR? My preference is for a new camera, and having experienced (unmodded) DSLR imaging I’m interested in the views of those who may have made the transition from DSLR to OSC so I can decide if I’m making the right (expensive) decision. One way or the other I’ll have a camera on both scopes. 

One issue I expect to have is the DSLR back-focus problem on the Newtonian. Does this affect dedicated Astro cameras? 


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First of all, you would hope that a £1000 ZWO OSC would perform way better than modding your existing DSLR !

The cooling will certainly help.

But you haven't said which DSLR you have - an old model will not perform as well as a newer one.

Since you have mastered a mono camera I would expect you to have no trouble with a OSC.

The sensor is only 6.5mm inside the ZWO, so focus should be easier that the 44mm spacing required for the, I assume, Canon DSLR.



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