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Problems with Polemaster


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I have just started using my ‘scope again this winter for the first time since last year and I am having trouble with the Polemaster, it has always worked brilliantly before, I’ve had it about 2 years. I am now finding that after selecting the first star and rotating my ‘scope for the first time it keeps looping back and asks me to pick my first star again. I can’t figure out what is wrong. I went back to Modern Astronomy, who are so helpful, and they gave me a new link to download the latest software but unfortunately nothing seems to happen when I download it and the driver as well. Do I need to remove the existing Polemaster programme from my laptop before downloading the new one?

I am also suspicious of the cable that locks into the Polemaster camera as it looks a bit lumpy and bumpy and think I may need to get a new one, they only cost £19 anyway.

Has anyone else had a similar problem and know how to fix it?

The Polemaster has been so useful I am now lost without it.

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41 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

Cant really help but only suggest what you've already been told. Uninstall the software and download the latest software and drivers from QHY. Before you spend a score on a new cable you could try a normal mini USB cable if you have one to hand?

I will do as you suggest and try uninstalling the existing software and then reinstalling the new and see if that works.

Regarding the cable it unfortunately has what appears to me to be a cable with a non-standard fitting that plugs into the Polemaster so I don’t  think I have any choice but to buy that particular one.

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47 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

It's a normal mini USB except the QHY version has 2 screws to keep it secured. Great idea but a normal mini USB will still fit. Worth trying to rule the existing cable out.


Thank you for that information, I had no idea it was a standard type USB cable, you have saved me wasting £19 just in the nick of time, I was about to order it from Modern Astronomy. It so happens I have a spare cable of that design so I dug it out of the box of odds and ends where it’s been lurking for some time and it’s a perfect fit.

I will download the new software tomorrow, after uninstalling the old, and hopefully that will fix the problem. Weather permitting I will test it tomorrow, fingers crossed all goes well.

Thanks again 😄

Edited by Moonshed
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