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Rosette nebula, pleiades test shots from RedCat 51 and color ToupTek


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Got a break in the clouds so I've managed to get few more test shots from the new set - RedCat 51,ToupTek ATR3-16000 color camera, Baader Neodynium as the LP filter.

20 x 180s, even it's high in the sky still have some gradient:



Rosette nebula was super hard to see. The stars were there but nebulosity became visible only at longer exposures (where as with mono camera and CLS or narrowband filter it was "detectable" even on ~sec exposures):



The gradient is strong, I have to remove it as there is way more signal there:


It's like one of the street lights below my balcony somehow directly reflecting of the telescope inner walls etc.



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It's somewhat in a big city, but on the edge and having only some buildings and then forests. I rarely had gradients, few times used IRIS to remove it, but that was with mono and CLS or narrowband filters :) The local neighborhood street lights are slightly below my balcony and they do glow directly quite a lot. That could be the more direct cause depending on sky region. With H-alpha filter I was able to catch Simeis 147 so the sky can't be that bad :)

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