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FSQ 130 - neat stars


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Tonight I reworked my Rosette Nebula image - my intention was to leave a lot more green in the final image. Rather than putting that full image up again - I just thought I would show the centre of the Rosette (still bue though). I am quite pleased with the detail that comes through from a 5" scope - albeit a premium 5" Tak FSQ. As Rodd brought up in a previous post - it is great when one can do a wide view image, yet zoom in to a cropped section to make an equally interesting image from just part of the 'whole'. This is full resolution - but just a small section - to show some detail. The stars have not been reduced by any software process - but carefull attention was paid to maintaining focus during capture. The resolution here is 1.9 ArcSec/Pix.


At the center of the Rosette.jpg

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A lovely image. The dust clouds really pop out. How long was the capture?

I agree with @ollypenrice 1.9 arcsec pp allows some lovely imaging, particularly with a large chip. It is where I ended up accidentally through separate choices of scope and camera. Not planned but it feels like a good choice. It is also fairly forgiving. Even if your mount is not behaving exactly as you hoped (I am currently struggling with the dreaded 5.5 sec oscillation on a CEM60 EC), or the seeing is not great, you can get some wonderful images.

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Thanks guys.....yes, 1.9 AS/Pix works a treat for me as the seeing is most likely only rarely any better than that and it makes it very forgiving for the guiding. I am usually guiding at 0.6 AS/Pix give or take but at times it can wander over 1 when the relative humidity is somewhat bad......but it never affects the final image.. 

5 hours ago, old_eyes said:

How long was the capture?

This is the same image data as my previous post (Rosette) which shows the full FoV (almost). It is a total of 16 hours: 5 each Ha & OIII with 6 hours SII.

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