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Hi after  photographing the Crescent 🌙 and Venus last night. I'm considering buying a telescope 🔭 vlaa could be fun and Educational for stepson and others. But here in Brazil there does not seem to be any international model available. And to  have one shipped could be costly. This is the model I'm considering, but any advice could be  very helpful and appreciated https://www.astrobrasil.com/telescopios/equipamentos/refletores/telescopio-114mm-skylife-deepsky-4-advanced-az2

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I sold one to a guy in brazil like 2 to 3 months ago. same issue he had a friend living in the next city over and his friend bought it for him then his mom was gonna go back to brasil to visit so she took it back with her. It was only the ota 127mm reflactor not the complete tripod and all tho.

iam not sure thaqt the best scope the finder scope and ep are really bad you will need to upgrade those and that mount is just basic I don't think you will like it at all. I know as that guy its very expensive and with the cost of living there can be hard BUt you can find something decent that comes with decent items.

if you cant get it there shipping from the next closest country may be your onlu option tho but at least its only once.

meade sells Polaris 130mm on eq2

this so much better its bigger then a 4.5" that's about 30% more light. It also used a much better mirror parabolic rather than spherical mirror and it comes with a decent red dot finder scope and like kellners ep which are waaay beter then the hygens that norm comes with cheaper ep.


Edited by joe aguiar
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another good scope is the skywatcher 130mm hertigage scope its a mini dob and need to be on a table or stool, its portable tho and its same saize as the meade polairs scope cept its much smaller breaks down to be more compact. The meade eq mount has slow motion controls which is nice at highter powers to re center every 20 to 30 secs as the item keep moving where the mini dob skywatcher one u need to keep bumping it with your hands.

both are good scope the SW MUCH more portable and if u have to ship it there that may be better.


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On 30/12/2019 at 13:23, joe aguiar said:

here is a vid of mine, look at it see if this helps u in getting something decent, unlike that link u posted this is much better


Thnx for all you help, I've  manged to find  a Celestron Powerseeker 76az.  I did look at the 127 but maybe a bit to fidgety. If my Stepson really gets into bit   would probably upgrade in the future. 

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