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PIixinsight - StarNet settings


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After reading about StarNet in January's Sky At Night mag, I downloaded it & have used it to create separate images of the background stars & image target, but I can't see what difference the "Stride" setting makes (other than the length of time it ties up the computer).

What effect should the Stride setting have?

Many thanks

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This is what it says in the attached Readme file (cut 'n pasted):

STRIDE parameter comes from the fact that input into the neural
network is NOT the whole image, but a small square tile of it.
So image is transformed in small parts, size of which is
STRIDE x STRIDE. So if you set it to 64, the image will be
transformed in tiles 64 by 64 pixels.

What is important, is that there can be inconsistencies between
neighbouring tiles (this is usially happens near large stars),
which will result in vertical and horisontal edge artefacts.
The larger the STRIDE, the more of these artefacts you will
likely to see, the smaller STRIDE, the smoother the result.

BUT, with too small STRIDE, the running time might mecome an
issue: running time is quadratic function of STRIDE, which means
that if you decrease STRIDE by a factor of two, running time will
increase by a factor of four.

I find that STRIDE 64 works well. I use values like 128, 64, 32,
but you can try any EVEN number.



Edited by Adreneline
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