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Orion - very first RGB attempt


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Here it is, my first attempt at RGB imaging. I'm always nervous posting my images because the standard of the images on the forum is quite simply superb and mine seem to be quite a way off the mark, so please be kind!

Due to my very limited time (a baby and a toddler!) I have to grab whatever image I can in the quickest possible time, hence everything about my set up is fast (F/5 scope, sensitive low res B&W camera), it all has to be set up, imaged and taken down in about 2 hours! Surrounded by houses and trees in the city centre doesn't help, Orion hovers in the orange light pollution and last night was 3/4 moon as well plus a bit of wind wobble (sorry for the excuses!), so all-in-all I'm quite pleased with this, basically quick and dirty, image. Here's some information in case other beginners want to experiment.....


10" Newt on EQ6 (very roughly pointing North!)

Mintron camera at prime focus, no reducer, light pollution filter, USB capture device to laptop 640x480 resolution.

Basically I captured about 30 frames of 1sec each of R G and B. I used coloured acetate film in front of the focuser (in side the tube) as filters! And 30 frames of lum about 0.5sec each (no IR filter). Stacked in registax with the average of about 15 dark frames.

Then aligned the stacked images in photoshop using the layers function (as each image had shifted slightly due to the rough North alignment), then combined the LRGB using this fantastic simple tutorial:


And here's the result;


(click to enlarge)

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