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First M33

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First M33 image, and first image using the 0.6x focal reducer on my APM 80mm F/6 triplet. I used the Canon EOS 550D. This is just 30 subs of 120s at ISO 800, with 20 flats and 20 darks.


This is quite noisy (unsurprisingly, for just 1 h of data), and I don't like the star shapes that much. I might need to adapt the distance to the sensor a bit. I also have data grabbed with the ASI183MC with the same optics, but I am still processing those


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It's looking good Michael.  I'm guessing you have quite alot of noise pollution in your neck of the woods and this makes M33 very difficult you have managed to pull out quite a bit of detail despite the short overall exposure time.

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