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Bubble Nebula - my first posted image


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Hi - I'm going to be brave and make my first post of something I've recently captured with my new gear. It's been many years since I've posted an astrophoto publically!

This is the Bubble Nebula region in Cassiopeia. I captured the data on the nights of the 17th and 18th September from my back garden in Plymouth (Bortle 6 according to FLO's app). About 4hrs each HA, SII and OIII, in 300s individual exposures using a SkyWatcher Esprit 100 scope, ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera (200 gain 50 offset -10C temp), iOptron CEM60 mount and ZWO filterwheel with 1.25" HA, SII and OIII filters.

Captured with APT, guiding by PHD2 with a Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED guidescope and ZWO ASI120mm mini camera.

Processed in PixInsight with a SHO palette colour combine of the filter masters, then various curve adjustments and a DarkStructureEnhance. I'm a real PixInsight novice so I basically followed bits of assorted relevant-looking tutorials I came across.

Please critique as I know there's plenty to improve! I did have trouble with too-much-green, and also halos on the OIII subs around some of the bright stars which I believe is a common issue with OIII filters and also especially with the 1600 camera; something to do with a lack of anti reflective coating on the sensor? I tamed the halos using RangeMasks and curve adjusts.



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9 hours ago, Jkulin said:

As you have PI, use the SCNR and remove the green and you'll get this.

BTW love the widefield view


Thanks for the tip! I'll give that a go. Yes I'm very happy with the FOV of the scope/camera combo. I'm feeling the need for something narrower for galaxies though!

9 hours ago, Star101 said:

As you have used NB filters, may I suggest reprocessing after you take a look at this?


I used it and found it much improved my NB images.

That's going on my to-watch list - thanks. So many hours to be "wasted" in processing!

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