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A beginners dumbell


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9 hours ago, ebdons said:

Hi very nice definition, I would be pleased with that considering that you might have had some wind that night. well done sir!

Thanks, I know, I really should avoid the Baked Beans if I'm going out imaging!🤣

But you are right, it was quite gusty that night and I think the scope was definitely moving a bit.


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Hi, yes I knew as soon as I wrote that it would be open to all sorts of misunderstandings lol! but AP for me is still a difficult exercise, but unless you're endowed with vast amounts of money, part of the fun is to make what ever gear you have work for you, my main imaging boost came with getting an OAG, although that won't work for everybody, keep posting stuff that we can comment on.ton

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Yes, making do with what you have is challenging but adds to the satisfaction. Can I ask what your kit is? I'm planning to start guiding later this year and am torn between OAG and Guide scope. I've read about flexure using a guidescope but also about not being able to get a guide star with OAG.

Thanks again



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Yes of course, my setup is not perfect, QHY10 with TS drawer system then SX OAG/ lodestar x2 mono (binned) x2 in use and ES CC on a F3.9 carbon newt with custom spider as the original spider is rubbish. here is some pics of my setup and that it helps to bin the guidecam if possible, not all can do that so best get one that can be binned, means more stars are available to choose and just needs to be setup to focus in union and it calibrates in 1/10th of the time it took me with a separate guidescope. it helps a lot if the OAG is put before any filters esp anything other than a LP type filter. some images of my setup which are a bit dark.

IMG_1817 (Medium).jpeg

IMG_1819 (Medium).jpeg

IMG_1820 (Medium).jpeg

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