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APT & Automatic Flip

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I have edited this question if anyone looked before the edit at 11:01 as I found the answer in the APT manual.


But I still have a question:

Do most people use the default 5 mins or change them?

As my equipment is still well clear of mount at the meridian flip is there a way to let it go beyond this for a short distance so the delay is not necessary as it could always get to the same position after the flip if it went this distance beyond the meridian. If that make any sense to anyone.



Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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If you're plate solving, this shouldn't be an issue. It should resume where you left, regardless of when you stopped. I find that doing a phd calibration after the flip can leave the scope away from the target though. It would be nice if it would do a goto++ after the calibration as well.

I have mine set to 5 minutes, but I only started playing with it last week. It ended up waiting 15 minutes before reimaging. So I'll be looking at minimising that a touch as well.

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