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SynScan WiFi with Skyliner GOTO


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Hey all, 
I recently purchased the WiFi dongle as a result of one of my SynScan hand controllers dying on me at a star party. 
I got to test it first on my Skyliner 350p Dob and while it set up just fine, did star alignment and decent GOTO I was really disappointed that I could not manually slew the scope with out killing GOTO tracking. One of the best features of this scope - for me - is being able to setup the GOTO and just manually use the scope for my sessions and have the object tracked in the eyepiece and still have the use of GOTO when I want to use it but it seems the WiFi dongle does not watch or monitor the encoders. 
Is there anyone else on here who uses one on an Alt Az GOTO with encoders and had any success? 

I got to test it on my EQ6 on Monday night and it works really well, quite impressed by how good the app is. I still prefer to have a pad with physical buttons to press so I don't have to look at my phone screen all the time but its an obvious negative.

Its looking clear for tonight so I will test it again on the 14" and see what happens. It being a full moon weekend testing equipment is about the best thing one can do. 

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Just to follow up on this and let this be here to help anyone else that's been having this issue. 
I did go out Friday night to test the 14" Skyliner again and I found an option in the settings of the app - "Settings - Auxiliary Encoder" - and was just a matter of turning it on and I was able to then do a two start alignment (I did try three star alignments before but the mount doesn't seem to like it much as the accuracy is not good) and every object I did GOTO on was bang on in the eyepiece. I then manually slewed the scope to the opposite side of the sky and then used the phone app to center the object, I also pressed on the "Identify" option in "Utility" and it showed me to be where I pointed the scope. So, I went back to GOTO and it was flawless, just as good, if not slightly better, than the hand controller now. 

Feeling elated by this I went an got my Chromebook - which I have Stellarium Plus on - and thought I would try connecting that to the WiFi dongle and to my astonishment it connected instantly and was having great fun picking objects and watching it all happen. I used to do this on the EQ6 Pro via Starry Night Pro using a long RS232 to USB cable and it worked really well but all those wires and feeling restricted, I seldom used it. This being all wireless I can flip my Chromebook into tablet mode and just hold it and walk around. This won't be something I use for my own observing sessions but will be a great gimmick and bit of fun for public events and public star parties. 


Edited by Simon128D
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