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calling LX200gps users.. advice needed..

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hi all

apologies for posting this again, needed some enlightenment on the Meade lx200gps alignment.

I use a scope buggy to position my scope in pretty much the same position each time I observe. I use holes in the ground to mark the position, and then park it. The alignment is slightly out each time, as the hole positioning isn't quite spot on

I wondered if it was necessary to do the whole auto align (level base, north etc) each time, or whether I could "top up" the alignment with a simple "2 star" (or 1 star) - i.e would the scope know all the relevant data, and just ask for 2 alignment stars? Does anyone else have the same issue?

thanks all

philip :)

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Hello Phil,

You don't need to go through any of the alignment routines at all.

1. Let the GPS get a fix.

2. Manually slew to a known star and centre it in the eyepiece or camera.

3. If you're hooked up to a planetarium program, simply sync on that star.

If you're not connected to a planetarium program, find the star you've centred in the autostar database, hit and hold ENTER for a few seconds, the scope will then (on the controller) ask if you want to sync on that star. Hit ENTER again to sync.



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Thanks for your reply Rob.. I had heard that this sync process distorts alignment as it works only for a localised area of sky (i.e it stretches the RA/Dec coordinates in a certain area.. does it work for you? I guess you are permanently aligned..



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Hello Phillip,

Yes, I'm permanantly set up.

I use the alignment procedure I detailed, using Starry night, and find that I can pretty well slew across the whole sky and still hit the target, although, in practice, I tend to star hop if I'm going to a target a long way off, and update my alignment along the way.

Works perfectly.



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