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Exploring Argo Navis


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Nicolas Louis de Lacaille decided to break up the ancient constellation in 1763 due to its massive size (25% larger by area than Hydra) into Carina, Puppis and Vela.  But he can kiss my bum. Argo Navis until I die!😉

My first night on Benguerra Island in Mozambique saw me explore the wondrous DSOs this region of the sky holds. It is an area every amateur astronomer should see at least once.  Such a shame it does not rise above the horizon from the UK.  The observing report is on the link below.  Feedback always appreciated, and as is often the case with my reports, quite a long one.  So grab a coffee before you start.


The Carina region of the Milky Way taken in front of our villa where I did most of my stargazing.


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Its a stunning area of sky isn't it ?

I was in Boa Vista in April, and had several evenings tracking down Omega Cent and the southern cross, with the Eta Carinae  nebulae to its right.

Despite being a bit low down it was a memorable sight.


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