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Ha Filter Question

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Hello, I thought that I had a lot of this figured out, but I just confused myself. 2 years ago, I removed the IR-Cut filter from my Canon DSLR and left the frame blank. To compensate for not having an internal filter, I bought an Astronomik CLS Canon EOS Clip Filter - CLS-EOS  so I could get longer exposures in my light-polluted skies. I was reading an article from AstroBackyard a couple days ago about HaRGB images and decided to pull the plug and get Astronomik H-Alpha 12 nm EOS Clip Filter - HA12-EOS.  This is where I start getting confused. I read originally that I needed an IR-Cut filter integrated into whatever light pollution filter I got, since I removed my internal filter. This is why I got the CLS filter instead of the CLS CCD after a lot of research. My H-Alpha filter just showed up today and the packaging says that it is actually a CCD filter, which from what I understand does not include an IR Cut Filter. There was no mention of this on the website, so I wanted to get a good answer before I broke the seal on this packaging. From what I read, if I don't have an IR Cut filter, stars will look bloated and my images will be off. Do I return this filter because my images will look off, or should I be ok to use it? Thank you in advance!

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