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Jupiter and Venus?


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I saw, these two bright objects in the sky on my way home from work last week. Stopped at side of road and took a quick shot with the digicamera.

I think they are Jupiter and Venus - they are both quite low in the South West. (And they both show up on "Stellarium" in the positions I saw them). When I got home (at 5.40pm) they had both sunk too low to see from my back yard at Connah's Quay, North Wales.


(click to enlarge)

I would love to get my Orion Optics 8" Newt on them (and now the 6" Intes I bought from "Whippy" a few weeks ago!).



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Monday 1 December Venus, Jupiter and a thin crescent moon will be on show (weather permitting). According to S @ N magazine the moon will occult Venus with the planet disappearing behind the NW dark limb of the moon at around 1540 and reappearing from behind the SE (bright) limb at around 1710 hrs. Here on the East Lincolnshire coast we will get an added bonus of two ISS passes and three Iridium flares over the same period (give or take an hour either side). Hey what a picture that would make to get everything in one exposure.

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Brighter?!?! I couldn't quite believe how bright it was tonight! It looked like the star on the top of a Christmas tree! My wife commented as she got out of her car that there was something really bright in the sky to the south. That's saying something for someone with Rubbish eyesight!

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Yeh, alot dont realise just how incredible Venus is. I guess its because most of the time its in twilight. This winter she manages to stay up in a dark sky (allbeit low on the horizon). This planet never ceases to blow me away naked eye.

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