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M1 "The Crab Nebula" (HST palette) reprocessed


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Hi All

I posted an image of M1 in HST palette a few days ago, but the image was very noisy and overprocessed so I have had a go at reprocessing it, I think this looks much cleaner and more detailed but would be interested to hear peoples comments. This is an extreme crop of the full widefield image as it was taken with my TMB 115 and H36 camera. The full widefield shot can be seen on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk in the nebulae section of the image gallery along with the original versions for comparison, just as a reminder the details are as follows

TMB 115 f7

Paramount ME

Starlight Xpress H36

9x10 minutes Ha

12x10 minutes OIII

5x10 minutes SII (subject was too low in the sky for more subframes)

All exposures were unguided

Colour combined in Maxim DL with 1:1:1 weighting for RGB

Thanks for looking (again)

Best wishes



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I think the streaking you mention is a residue of the noise left in the image, one way to help get rid of it is more subframes to give a beter signal to noise ratio so that when you push the processing it doesn't become evident, also bear in mind that this image is a heavily magnified closeup so any slight noise and streaking will be more evident, compare it with the widefield on my site hopefully any streaking will be much less evident

Best wishes


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I think the noise and streaks still evident in the picture depend on the monitor that it is viewed on as on my monitor at home which is a very high quality Sony 23" widescreen LCD it is not noticeable but on the monitor at work its is quite noticeable

Best wishes


PS Noel Carboni commented on this image on another forum and he said that noise is not a problem in this image so he must be seeing the same on his monitor that I am on mine at home

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