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Starlight express mini f wheel with OAG filter sizes

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Hi peoples, 

New to mono imaging, 

Camera ordered! 👍

Want to order the starlight express mini filter wheel with built in OAG combo unit. It is for 1.25 screw in filters but does it also accept 31mm unmounted (Lrgb) filters? As I think there are other brands of mini filters that do this. But of coarse none with built in OAGs on them.. That's why I want to order the one from Starlight express.... 

Cheers in advance

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Thanks DP. 

I'll go with 1.25 one then... 

Was informed my f7 system and asi 1600 Pro cooled would function without vignetting etc, I'm just hoping this is the case with the starlight express filter wheel and baader filters I want to order to go with it? 🤔

Leads me to another question, does standard baader lrgb filters have an ir cut layer over them all? I understand most lum are uv ir cut lenses..? 

Cheers in advance!! 

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In answer to your second question, yes. Take a look at the transmission graphs here. I used to use a 1600 camera (at f4.9) and flats pretty much dealt with whatever vignetting there was. There are a lot of 1600-users about, so maybe someone who uses it closer to your f7 would have a different experience?

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