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First time Imaging

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I'll be honest I'm a bit of an idiot, I wanted to get into astronomy and astrophotography for ages yet I didn't start because I feel i needed to acquire a telescope or binoculars and I have a hard time justifying almost any cost in something I'm unsure about, especially since light pollution in my area can be pretty bad.

Then I just realized tonight, when I should be sleeping for college tomorrow... I could just try and use my mother old camera, a NIKON Coolpix L830.  And I must say for a camera so old the zoom on it is  very impressive, might explain why it's still £200 in some places.

 I was able to get a decent photo of the moon and a lil of jupiter. Honestly I'm so happy I got ANYTHING out of this camera, and so excited I can now use it to look at the night sky (only so much my eyes can do looking at little dots in the sky in this pollution)

These are quite rushed since again I should be sleeping for college but if I got used to the settings on this camera and get a tripod I'm sure I could get even better shots. Anyway enough rambling, here they are!





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I guess many of us took our first astro-images with just a camera on a tripod. Good start. I never tried Jupy that way, but my first one (taken holding a camera over the eyepiece of an ETX80) is not a lot better than yours.

I hope this has whetted your appetite for further imaging.

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5 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

I guess many of us took our first astro-images with just a camera on a tripod. Good start. I never tried Jupy that way, but my first one (taken holding a camera over the eyepiece of an ETX80) is not a lot better than yours.

I hope this has whetted your appetite for further imaging.


Actually this was taken handheld, I'm definitely considering getting a tripod though

and 100% I'm gonna go out every night trying to get more images, if the weather agrees that is.

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7 hours ago, rickwayne said:


If you have hands that steady you should seriously consider a career in surgery. Or maybe cinematography!

Haha, I might have just got lucky as generally my hands are pretty shaky I believe. But I am gonna be studying film and tv production pretty soon ;)

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