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CrB Doubles, Part 2

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After enjoying the lovely Sigma 1965 two nights ago (see report) before getting clouded out, I continued with CrB doubles, again using the ED80 on the Celestron alt-az GoTo mount.  Arcturus popped into view at 9.55 - aligned on it.  Quite a bit of thin cloud about.  Checked the alignment by going for Vega in the east with 4.25 degrees of field - pretty good placement.

It wasn't dark enough for fainter stars until about 10.35, especially with the cloud situation, but by then I successfully targeted Sigma 2029 (SAO 084258) - a binary, 6.1" separation.   The surrounding star pattern was very clear, so I upped the mag from x16 to x60 and just managed to split the star with the fainter secondary popping into view at about "7 o'clock" - a beautiful and rewarding sight, with a few other stars at the periphery.  And nicer for being so crisp and clean - something the Dob and Cat can't quite match.

Next, O Sigma 305 - got it, pattern right, but before I could up the mag, the clouds thickened considerably, so I finished at 11.15, satisfied again at the progress (albeit slow!) with doubles in the Northern Crown.  Even limited viewing is always pleasing!


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5 hours ago, Paz said:

Nice report - Corona Borealis isn't a constellation I've spent a lot of time on - I will try and give it a go this time around.

Thanks Paz - I've got a few more targets in CrB lined up.  If conditions allow, I hope to do than one per session!


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