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Suggestions for Astrophotography Spots on Big Island, Hawaii

Kristina M

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Good evening,

In late July/early August, I am taking my husband, who does astrophotography, to Big Island, Hawaii during moon dark.

He currently uses a  Canon 6D and either a 135mm or 200mm lens, tracked with a StarAdventurer.   (https://www.flickr.com/photos/djmccrady/ if seeing his pictures helps)

I am looking for specific places (with addresses) he can set up, close-ish to the Kona area.  We will also be bringing some portable chairs, and warm clothing, so higher elevations will work.  Mauna Loa has been suggested, however, at best is a 1.25 to 1.75 hour drive from hotels/B&Bs, which makes a long round trip.   

In advance, much appreciation for your suggestions and tips.  It will make it a great trip for the one who loves underwater photography, and the one who shoots the stars.



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I can't advise you directly on Hawaii- but you've done the right thing by booking during New Moon (something often forgotten in the excitement of booking a holiday!).

You might be able to see online where the best weather sites are (mountains often have 'wet' & 'dry' sides.

Probably best though to contact a local Astronomy Society on the island for the better observing sites?


Good luck.


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