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IC405 + IC410 - NB+OSC


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Not sure I really know what I'm doing here. This is 90mins of osc (15 x 300s) taken with an Atik414osc + Samyang 85mm combined with 60mins of Ha (12 x 300s) and 30mins OIII (6 x 300s) taken with an Atik428ex + Samyang 135mm. All pre-processed in PI, HOO image produced in PixelMath, the osc stretched using ArcSinhStretch to maximise star colour, and then StarAligned to produce two registered images which I have combined in PS using a Layer Mask.


Any advice on the best way to combine osc and nb gratefully received; I'm finding it hard to get sufficient star colour without destroying the nb nebulosity.

Thank you for looking.


P.S. IC417 is in the FoV of the osc but not the nb image; a target for another night and a possible mosaic!


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