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Using NB Filters with OSC


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I seem to always buy my equipment then my needs change almost immediately.  LOL

I have a ZWO 183 Pro Cooled Color. I’m in a heavily LP area. I just bought NB filters and was hoping to image DSO using them and convert to Hubble Palette.

I understand I should’ve just bought a mono but here where are. 

Can anybody give me the step by step processing chain that will work best once I’ve acquired the four sets of subs I think I need: 1)no filter raw, 2) Ha raw, 3)S-II raw and 4) O-III raw. 

I have become confused at what I do after I debayer and then I have a color file. 

Thanks everyone!

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Hi & welcome to SGL.

Your no filter will give you a standard RGB. The Ha & Sii filters will only give you data in the red channel, the Oiii will (I think) only give you data in the green channel. So you now have one RGB and three greyscale images. Once the RGB is debayered you would need to merge the R with Sii, the G with Ha & the B with Sii in your processing software (Photoshop, GIMP, PI, etc) to reach hubble.

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  • 1 month later...

If you already own a ZWO 183 Pro Cooled Color and live in a heavily LP area also, then I also would encourage to buy the STC duo narrowband filter, or if you have more cash avalable for your hobby the OPT Triad Tri-Band Narrowband Filter




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