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ASI1600mm-Pro T2 extender removal!?


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Hi Guys.
I have just got the 1600mm pro and I want to remove the T2 extender that it came with.....
When I say I want to, I believe i need to? I maybe wrong. 
I thought with this removed, it would be 6.5mm to the filter wheel, then 20mm in the filter wheel, 21mm spacer that came with the camera, and a 7.5mm spacer.
This would be 55mm from lens to Baader MPCCIII 

But I can't figure out how to get this 1st 11mm spacer off... any ideas?





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Glad it helped. I keep the spacer in the rubber cap and use it as a kind of lens cap for the camera. I'll make extra sure not to do it up too tight in the future though!
The last bits to get the spacing right for my focal reducer are arriving today (hopefully), so I'm looking forward to flat focused stars tonight too!

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