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September Misadventures

Giampiero Baggi

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Hi everyone!

Last night i went to my favourite dark site to take some photos with my new Nikon D810 ( i'm still waiting for my new telescope so i borrowed a couple of cheap telescopic lenses from my uncle ?).

The seeing conditions were modest, good seeing and everything, and i even managed to see the comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner with my crappy binoculars. I then started to take some photos at bright objects like M13, which turned out great! Unfortunately clouds started to appear, so i had to change subject. The nearest and brightest i could think of was the Andromeda galaxy, so i moved my camera and started taking exposures. I couldn't charge the batteries for my tracking mount, so I brought a tripod with me and took very short exposures, about 80 2 sec exposures... but when i got home i realized that after the 10th exposure my lenses started fogging up!

I had to discard the majority of the photos, so i had only 10 to work with. Sorry if it's a bit dim but couldn't process it any further because my PC decided to die yesterday and now i'm using my little notebook, which unfortunately is not enough to process such an image...

But here you go, a 20 seconds exposure of M31... (i cropped the image because the original file was too big)

Next time i'll get some more exposures and add them to this image, i'll also bring a fan xDAndromeda.thumb.jpg.13221a850f15a6383e2f8f2649116cd1.jpg

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