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AZ GTi Synscan PTZ


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Whilst trying to resolve my issues with the AZ GTi i uninstalled my IOS version of Synscan and went searching for an update. In the process I discovered 2 things. Firstly I had the non pro version of the app installed. Secondly I came across another app called Synscan PTZ. This app didn't have any reviews in the app store and I can't find anything about it online, but it appears to be an app for more photographic orientated control of the AZ GTi mount. 

The app has the following features:


  • Panorama Mode
    • Set the camera FOV, % Overlap, Exposure TIme, Size of total frame etc. 
    • Can do 180 degree, 360 degree panoramas and more.
    • IMG_0914.PNG.bf25441d7ada771d4a2e69961adfb561.PNG
  • Time-lapse modes including
    • Panning timelapse
    • Panning long exposure time-lapse. (Pauses panning while shot is taken) 
    • Fixed point time-lapse (no movement, just works as an intervalometer)
    •  IMG_0915.PNG.8117e58d1aad5b9fbba4cd30fea4e2ae.PNG
  • Multi-Points
    • You define a number of positions as stops on a route and the mount tracks to each point on the route and takes a shot. This can be repeated for set number of cycles
    • IMG_0916.PNG.64f5ec3c61a67a37b18b8508aa6a98ea.PNG
  • Remote
    • I think this is just a remote shutter trigger
  • Time
    • Works as an intervalometer

You'll need a shutter release cable to link to your camera from the 'snap' port on the mount to make use of these features. 

I've not had a chance to test any of these features yet, but it looks like a great set of extra functionality for AZ GTI owners. It would be great if they could add more of an astro leaning to some of these features like sidereal tracking in long exposure time-lapse like you can with the Star Adventurer or maybe even the ability to do a mosaic shot of the sky with sidereal tracking for each shot.

It would also be nice if they could fix the tracking issues people have been having with the basic goto functionality. Hopefully that's next on the list.

So far this app appears to be iOS only and I could only get it to connect to the mount via the mounts built in WiFi and not via my router even though I can do this with the Synscan Pro app. 

Has anyone else tried using this app yet?



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One of these should do the trick . 


You need the right one depending on your camera model. You can use the same cable for linking up your DSLR to the StarAdventurer as well. 


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