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Double Cluster

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Probably my best Double Cluster yet, shame the focus was off (and my processing sucks), but I'm slowly getting there
Nikon D5300
f / 5.6 @ ISO 800
1280 seconds (30 second subs), no darks
Bortle 5
Stacked in Sequator
Tracked on SW SA
Good PA, focus slightly off

Double Cluster @ 220mm-1.jpg

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Still, a nice double cluster. Which software do you use for processing? I think you just stretched the data a bit too hard. The noisy background is to be expected with only 20 minutes of data.

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On 06/08/2018 at 15:52, wimvb said:

Still, a nice double cluster. Which software do you use for processing? I think you just stretched the data a bit too hard. The noisy background is to be expected with only 20 minutes of data.

Thank you. I usually do the editing in LightRoom. I agree that this has been pushed a lot, and it wasn't until I came back to it that I even saw the nasty purple hue it had (after someone else pointed it out!) So I've gone back to it and dialed it back a bit. Think it already looks better

Double Cluster @ 220mm-1.jpg

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The stars certainly look better. Unfortunately, the sky background now looks a bit green. I have no idea how to fix this in Lightroom. In PS there's a plugin called HLVG (Hasta La Vista Green). In PixInsight I would use SCNR.


I downloaded the jpeg and opened it in GIMP. I then opened the histogram (RGB) and used levels to align the red, green and blue histograms (moved the midpoint sliders for red and blue a tiny bit to the left to increase their strength a bit).


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Think my eyes need testing lol. Dialed back on the green in saturation and luminence. You're absolutely right, it's another improvement. What's bothering me is that I'm failing to spot these things myself ?


Double Cluster @ 220mm-1.jpg

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2 minutes ago, Maxrayne said:

What's bothering me is that I'm failing to spot these things myself

You'll get there ... 

In the next image, you'll look for it. That's how most of us learn processing; one step at a time ?

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