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skywatcher 300p next steps?

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Have skywatcher 200p on eq6 pro mount, Wondering next steps in terms of observing.

Need to collimate mirrors, looking at cheshire or laser. Without raising holy wars whats suitable for this scope?

also for planetary looking at upping the maginication, the only lenses I have so far ar the 10mm at 20 (something)mm that came with the scope. Would a good next step be a barlow or another lense?

Being in NZ money is something to consider with the exchange rate. If anyone can recommend an online retailer that ships to NZ would be good. Online seems pretty limited choice :)

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I'd agree on a cheshire.

Second, spend some time calculating the range of magnifications suitable for your your scope (if need help just ask here)

Then I would say take your time and get a good middle power eyepiece that you won't need to upgrade. This is worth it even if you have to save for a while. Then save again and slowly fill your eyepiece collection with decent 'keepers'. Read reviews and ask on SGL for advice.

Buying cheaper eyepieces and then upgrading is a waste of time and money. You will end up like me and tens of thousands of others constantly unsatisfied with what you have got and spending good money after bad.

Teleview, pentax and others make 'lifetime eyepieces'. Have patience and you will be rewarded! You already have a great scope (I am green with envy).

That's my advice anyway!

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