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QHY 5PII-M Autoexposure?


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I'm using a QHY 5PII-M as a guide camera, but I thought I'd try doing some imaging with it and when using it in SharpCap or FireCap I don't appear to have any direct control over the exposure. I have the controls for exposure and gain, but when I adjust them, the image briefly gets lighter or darker, depending on what I've done, but then it appears to automatically adjust the expose to a value of it's own choosing.  Choose the QHY Native WDM drivers in SharpCap seems to give me back control, but I lose a lot of the options and seem to have a much more limited frame rate. I've tried both versions of the drivers available from their website, but still no luck. I'm hoping that I'm missing an obvious setting somewhere that someone can point me to. 

This is on a Window 10 machine running SharpCap 3.1.5214 and FireCap 2.6

Any help would be really appreciated.

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