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My latest plan for a combined visual/EAA setup - thoughts?

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I've been really enjoying using my Heritage 130P for visual and have been impressed with the performance which 130mm can give; in newtonian form it seems like a very versatile and lightweight objective size. I have been thinking that a 130PDS could provide me with a lovely lightweight scope for both visual and EAA (my other main interest). If I can couple it with a light weight alt-az goto mount, I can have a setup that can be stored and moved in one piece and be up and running very quickly for visual or EAA. The idea of the altaz as opposed to eq is to simplify setup process and reduce setup time (polar alignment, counterweights, etc) - I find myself so short of time and tired these days that I am often beaten before I even go outside, so simple and speedy would help a lot. For EAA I would only require up to 30 second exposures.

Potential candidates I have found are the SW Az-Gti and SW Star Discovery Wi-Fi. The latter seems better for my needs as the latest version seems to have a much sturdier mount (and is apparently quieter).

So, 130PDS plus Star Discovery for visual and EAA; what do people think? ? Will the mount take the weight of a 130PDS? Will it track accurately enough for up to 30 second exposures at 650mm focal length? Will it be affected by breezes? Am I dreaming?

Advice and thoughts welcome. :)

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