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Observatories in QLD Australia?


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Well, finally took the plunge and off to Oz over the Christmas period to catch up with ma bro. We'll be staying in Brisbane. I'll be allowed probably one day for an astro feast (lots of other things to do on the holiday as you can imagine!) and I'm lookin in to what observatories are out of Brisbane's skyglow yet within reaching distance without having to fly. I found this one which looks pretty nice, any one else visited or have any other suggestions?

I dont think its gonna be practical for me to take a scope.. just bins unfortunatly.



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Anywhere more then 10 miles out of Brisbane will do. Have a ride up to the Somerset dam one evening. The skies there are unbelievable. The other visit to do is to the planetarium which is in the botanical gardens on Mt Coo'tha. Have a good time!!

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You'll have a great time there Matt, especially at Christmas time, when its getting close to midsummer :sunny:

Pretty hot though!!. I was here in W.Aus last Christmas, and it was 44C :shock: 8) .

Am in W.Aus (Perth) at the moment, and its averaging a comfortable 26/27C, albeit 32C forecast for tomorrow.

Try and make contact with the local astro society, and go along to their meetings. You'll be made very welcome.

Also, go onto the 'iceinspace' Aussie forum, announce that you are coming over, and that you'd like to meet the 'locals'.

I did this, and got invited along to the local astro society.

John (moondog) is currently in NZ, and has got very much involved with the local astro club there.

Another 4 weeks, and I'll be heading back to the cooler and clouder weather of the UK :undecided: .


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Thanks Dave and Dave, will check out that forum thanks. Ma brother said it can reach 45 in Brisbane and Christmas day itself has been a real scortcher tha last couple years. Im not sure about meeting societies and the like, it would be unfair for me to spend too much of the holiday on astro, (supposed to be quality family time etc and im the only one that kind a gets enthusiastic about anything sky related :undecided: ) However I will consider it and see what can be sqeezed in.



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