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Jupiter GRS - 5/25

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I managed to image Jupiter last night and didn't realize that this was even a challenge. I already posted my image in the Imaging board, but I guess I need to post it here too. My first image of Jupiter. I also managed to capture Ganymede, Europa and Io as well. Callisto was just out of frame. This was done using 750 frames of a 1000 frame video from my 12" dob, a 2x barlow and my Canon 750D. I processed the video with PIPP and Registax and did a little bit of editing in Photoshop CC. I was very surprised I was able to get the moons to pop just by using the wavelets in Registax and I didn't even need to use my higher exposure video for them. Given my equipment limitations, I can't complain too much about what I was able to achieve.


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