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Two more attempts at M31


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Grabbed some more data on this on Friday evening. I've had another go at processing it, this time using PixInsight to try and remove the gradient before moving to PS for levels/curves/contrast. PixInsight always seems to leave a purple/blue cast to the image after Dynamic Background Removal, so I tried to get rid of that in PS too....

I'm sure there's more could be done to this by someone who knows what they're doing!

Produced from a stack of 106 subs of 15s and 20s, ISO-1600. Total of 31 mins.


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)


P.S. Oops - just realised, this should probably go in the Tips/Advice section - mods, please feel free to move it if you wish! :)

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Hi Trev, nice core on the second one - Its a troublesome thing to get right isn't it?! I spent most of yesterday afternoon tweaking my own effort to bring out detail and get the colour right - I'll probably be doing it come doomsday.

The colour on the second one is nice - I find it a real job to get a balance between the blue of the arms and the gold of the centre.

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