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I got the (Comet C/2016 R2) Blues

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I had a go at capturing Comet C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) last night. Some recent images suggest that it has an interesting tail, and last night it was just upper left of the Pleiades. So I thought I could get a nice widefield view. I piggybacked my Canon 700d and my (cheap and frankly useless) 70-300mm zoom lens onto my 200mm f/5 Newtonian and got these images.

The comet is a lot smaller and fainter than I was anticipating, but the DSLR images show that it is very distinctly blue, i.e. it is pouring out Carbon Monoxide.

This is the result of 70 x 2 minute exposures with an Atik 428ex, stacked in DSS on the comet. Should have taken some flats, but didn't.
Like a said, disappointingly faint but at least there are some details.


This is with the Canon 700d. 60 x 1 minute exposures. ISO800. Canon 70-300mm zoom at 70mm, f/5.6.




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