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The Owl and the Surfer


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Tonights it became nicely clear outside, so I could test my SW 130p flextube a bit futher.

It's going to be my grab and go telescope for the quick garden sessions.


First up the dubbel cluster NGC 869 / 884 always the best with 32mm eyepiece 20X.


Next M42 Orion Nebula, enlarge to 81X nicely structured dust clouds, only four stars in the trapezium, never seen more.


M34 spiral cluster best with 26X


Time for a serious test, the Owl nebula and the Surfboard galaxy.

These two took a lot of time to find!

I started with 20x magnification, no success. Then 25mm 26X still nothing to see.

Then the 15mm eyepiece 43X, now the are visible(hardly) but visible.

Amazing that they only became visible at that high magnification.


I think it's impressive for an observation from a city, I really like this little flextube.

Thanks for reading

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