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T2 threaded eyepieces other than Celestron Ultima Duo?


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I have a Celestron VX 6" Refractor at 1200mm F8. I purchased a GOSKY eyepiece projection adapter to use with it, but I found out that you can't bring the camera (Canon T2i) to focus with that setup. Celestron told me about the Ultima Duo eyepieces that have the T2 threads on the eyepiece so it can be attached directly to the T2 ring in the camera, but then they informed me that the Ultima Duo eyepieces are no longer manufactured by Celestron. Other than buying one used or new from EBAY does anybody know of any other eyepieces that have the T2 threads on them like the Ultima Duos? Or does anybody know of an extension tube setup with an eyepiece projection setup that will allow me to focus the camera while using an eyepiece inline? I was all ready to take some shots of Jupiter and Mars with some Plossl eyepieces that I bought that would fit inside of the GOSKY adapter until I was rudely interrupted by the inability to focus. I ended up taking some prime focus shots of the Lunar Eclipse with a simple T2 ring T2 adapter setup instead! Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!




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  • Jackce57 changed the title to T2 threaded eyepieces other than Celestron Ultima Duo?


I have a 13mm Ultima Duo EP and love it. I didn't realize that Celestron doesn't make them any more, that's a shame. I also have a 8mm Baader Hyperion EP that has the threads for a T-ring, same as the Duo. The Hyperions also have replaceable lower barrels to change the focal length of the EP, and are about the same price as the Ultimas are (were).

The Hyperions also have a 68* apparent FOV, same as the Ultima Duo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for the info about the Baader Hyperion. Since asking this question I purchased the Ultima Duo 5mm, 8mm and 21mm eyepieces, but have not had a chance to use them yet. I have BYEos questions that I need answers to before I can get started taking images. Maybe you can answer the question located here? 


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