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Problems getting Focus Lynx talking to MaximDL


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Does anybody have any suggestions that might help me?


For several months I have been using the V-curve focusing system in Maxim (linked to my Optec Focus Lynx motorised focusing system) successfully to get my scope to correct focus without any problems at all.


A couple of night ago, for some unknown reason without me changing any settings, Maxim started having difficulty controlling the Optec Focus Lynx properly. I have tried everything that I can think of to put things back to normal but I have now run out of ideas.


I can hear the focuser moving after I ask Maxim to move the focuser but then Maxim “sticks” as if waiting for some information from Focus Lynx .... Maxim doesn’t crash it just sits there waiting forever.


So far I have done the following without any success: 

(1) Updated the FTDI drivers for the Optec USB/Serial ports on my Laptop ...

(2) Checked to see if the internal USB Hub on the DDM60 was causing problems by totally bypassing this hub by using a separate powered hub

(3) Updated MaximDL to the latest version (v6.14) and checked that the settings are correct.


I am now suspecting that the special USB/Serial cable supplied by Optec might be the problem.


The only things that I have NOT done are:

(1) Order a replacement USB/Serial cable from Optec ... they cost $60 plus shipping to England :-(

(2) Update the firmware on the Focus Lynx control box ... but I am hesitant to do this at the moment because if there really is a problem with the special Optec USB/Serial cable, that was supplied when I purchased Focus Lynx, then any firmware updates my be compromised making matters even worse for me.


My Astro imaging has now ground to a halt because of these problems ... I don't really want to go back to manually focusing my system during imaging runs if at all possible.


Does anybody out there have any suggestions





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It looks like I have found the root of my problem :-)

Apparently when you un-install MaximDL it DOES NOT remove everything! These little rogue files can cause problems when the program is re-installed or updated !!!

After clearing out these rogue files Maxim and Focus lynx are now talking to each other properly .... but I won't really know for sure until I try out some imaging .... tonight hopefully :-)))


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