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Not A Horse's Head, Just The Nose!


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It was nice and clear for a change, so I set up the 8SE.  Waiting for dark, I watched thousands of honking geese fly overhead, and then at about 5.00pm, Vega appeared.

After aligning on Vega and Altair, I went to Enif - Pegasus's nose/muzzle.  It was very clearly yellow in appearance, and had a companion less than one minute of arc away.  (It is said to be blue, but I didn't detect that.)  The companion is meant to "swing" on tapping the 'scope (an effect of perception), but it seemed to actually change position a bit over a few minutes without any tapping.  Furthermore, it disappeared when the mag was increased.  Odd, but at least I had seen two components of the triple system.

Not much else to report really - a meal and a pint were calling - but GoTo put me right on Rotanev (Delphinus) at a corner of the Job's Coffin asterism - a very close binary, so I wasn't surprised not to split it.

Finally a flare - it grew very bright then faded away in only about half a second.

So, a very brief session, but it's good to be able to get out then go back in and still have plenty of evening left!



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