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Any users of APM UFF 15,18,24s ???

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Hi guys, 

Have been on the hunt for pairs of eyepieces for my binoviewer lately and originally was aiming at Pan 24s or ES 24 68s.

However have just discovered the APM 24mm uff 65degree which at least price wise is attractive.The problem appears to be the lack of reviews regarding these eyepieces and so the call to anyone who may have a comment to share.

I have a reasonably fast 12"  f/4.9 dob fitted with a supercharged Arcturus binoviewer and observe only from a suburban location.

Cheers Paul.

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I've got pairs of the 10mm and 15mm APM uff that I use for binoviewing and I like them. They give good views that are comparable in quality to the pan 19 and 24mm but with better eye relief. I think the 18mm and 24mm are a fair bit bigger and wider than the 10 and 15 so size wise I prefer the pans at these focal lengths. Reviews of the uff seem quite positive on cloudynights as well.

For binoviewing practically and lightweight become important factors to me (more so than absolutely top notch quality) so in this regard the 10 and 15 meet my requirements fine.

(However I use f6.3 to f7.4 refractors which may be a bit more forgiving than a f4.9 dob on eyepieces.)

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Thanks GavStar, Good to hear the 15mm uff is in use with your scope and that your happy with the set. As you stated my scopes an f/4.9 so I'm a little hesitant to purchase eyepieces that may not cope with the speed. However good to know eye relief better than the Pans. One more reason to save a few dollars !

The more I read and enquire into EPs the more I believe "what suits one person doesn't suit the other" so maybe just throw a dice.

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