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The EQ6.


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The EQ6 hardly needs reviewing :D but here's a little song in its praise anyway. I have two here for folks to use or to carry scopes not in permanent use. They are about ten years old and get humped in and out, left out under tarps and generally treated in a rather offhand manner, bless 'em! So yesterday I pulled one out, plonked it on a concrete base and, when the stars appeared, did the roughest of polar alignments, just using Cass and the Plough on the polar scope reticle to orientate the Polaris circle. In fact I hadn't put the tripod down sufficiently well aligned to north so I didn't even have the movement to get Polaris just right. As I'd loaded Tom's TEC 140 onto the mount by this time (don't tell him!) I didn't want to move the legs so left it. One star alignment and off it went. For the rest of the evening it put the targets in the eyepiece every time, held the scope as steady as a rock (it's not a pocket scope, the TEC140) and allowed us to have a very nice session.

What can you say? What's not to like?


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