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meade ETX-90 vs Nexstar 102SLT

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Right, i started with astro about 2 years ago, i began with the ETX-70 (just to get my teeth into it) this did fine for a while and i got used to the setup with Autostar and alignment was easy and always succesfull. About a year ago i upgraded to a 102slt which has been great but IMO the auto align system is just not as user friendly as the Meade, i have not had 1 single succesfull alignment which has had an impact on my viewing.

So to the ETX-90 is this as good, better or worse than the 102SLT? the ETX90 has the Maksutov cassegrain optics :scratch: . Its not really the optics of the 102SLT but the alignment & size of the scope that is the problem ie when elevated high its a real pain getting on your knees and focusing and the short design of the ETX-90 makes all the difference. Mainly after planetary viewing and some closer galaxies/clusters.


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Dave, the 102SLT is a great starterscope. But, as a short focus rich field refractor, it is completely the opposite in use compared to the ETX 90 which is a long focus Maksutov.

If you want the comparable Celestron take a look at the Celestron NexStar 4 SE. General consensus is that this is better quality and easier to use than the ETX.

See the telescopesplus website for more information.

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Thanks for the advice but the Nexstar 4SE still leaves me with the alignment problems with the Celestron mount, i should have added that i was wanting to move back to the Meade mount and alignment and wanted to know if the ETX-90 would give better viewing when compared to the 102?

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Dave, there have been quite a few threads about setting up the SLT. One thing that is really important is to get the base levelled well. I had problems until I did this. My process is to use a short spirit level across the accessory tray at three points, one for each leg, and adjust and re check as necessary. Also, you need to use an external power source, using AA batteries, they just don't provide enough juice.

What's your setup procedure ? and how are you powering the mount ?

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I have been involved with these set-up threads. I do as you, short level across legs and mains power. I get it all level then attempt alignment. The last time i tried was months back, i used solar align on Mars & Saturn went through it all but get success message but when i move to another target the scope is some degrees off down and to the right which would suggest not level but not the case. I thought it could be my long/lat postion, checked and OK. Back when i started the Meade align never let me down and i could spend hours doing the tour but now with the 102 i can only look at things where im sure of position ie Saturn & Mars as the slew would stay on the object that i aligned to but moving to another was off. Suppose the fact that i havnt been out for about 6 months due to the weather doesnt help and i could always give it another go to make sure i iron out the small errors maybe.

But still there is an ETX-90 at good price, if its better than a 102 i would go for it due to being able to rely on fast easy reliable alignment.

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Ok, we start from the same point :clouds2:. I've had oddities happen when I've done a solar system align on the Moon or Saturn, which works fine for them and the tracking is great, but once I've finished looking at them, the goto is nearly always out. However, if I then power down, power up and repeat the align and carry out a skyalign instead, it's much much better.

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Im gonna have to get back out there but the weather has almost killed enthusiasm. Oh well with the dark nights rolling in and hopefully some clearer nights i can get back on it.

But still like the sound of the ETX-90 if its better than the 102.

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I find the 102SLT 3-star auto-alignment is trivial and works every time provided the spirit level thing in the leg shows it to be roughly level (I have never needed to do this any more accurately). Will put things in the 25mm eyepiece without a problem. I would not use solar system align though (except perhaps for daylight viewing) - this presumably relies on the hand controller having a decent ephemeris and I have no idea if it has or not.

If Saturn and Mars were widely separated in the sky at the time, and the SLT pointed to both OK after alignment but was off on *nearby* stars then this implies a wrong date or time somehow.


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Im gonna have to get back out there but the weather has almost killed enthusiasm. Oh well with the dark nights rolling in and hopefully some clearer nights i can get back on it.

I know exactly what you mean. My scope has been out once since April or May.... That was on a normal tripod to test out the SLR connectors, and the clouds were already moving in...

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also may be useful to reflash the handset to the latest version.

make sure you have a good separation of alignment objects - widely separated and different heights in the sky to make a nice triangle.

lastly - new users often think this is a 'fob off' but power is nearlly always a factor in these type of issues. If you are using batteries make sure they are new and high quality. A couple of hours use will drain them enough to impair performance. Much better a suitable high quality AC adapter or good quality 12v external battery.

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