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Peak output from the Sun - a paradox

andrew s

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I came across this on Physics Forums.

"In terms of wavelength, peak solar radiation occurs at about 500 nm.  Interestingly, this is well within the range of human vision.  When solar radiation is plotted against frequency instead of wavelength, the peak is found to be at about 340 THz.  It may come as a shock that when 340 THz is converted to wavelength, the result is not 500 nm, but 880 nm!  That is well beyond what humans can detect!  How can that possibly be?  The Sun’s output is an objective physical phenomenon.  Surely it cannot depend on the units used to measure it!"

Strange but true.

The reference gives a good explanation but worth a ponder first?

Regards Andrew

Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/exploring-spectral-paradox/

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