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Taking Film Images

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I've fixed the stick shutter on my Yashicamat EM medium format twin-lens reflex camera.

I would like to use Fujichrome Velvia in it, and get both scans and transparencies. It's a lovely size to get the whole of Cygnus in frame.

Can anyone suggest exposure times for wide field shots using either the 100 or 400 ISO versions? The camera is f3.5 wide open.

I would rather not have it push processed as one of the hopes is to get fine grain.

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Excellent, lovely pin-prick stars. That gives me a ball-park of about 10-15 minutes, although your lens was faster I will be hunting a brighter target.

I'll wait until I have got guiding sorted, although 80mm is short, the Yashicamat can give pin-sharp results which will reward me getting good tracking.

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