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Some forthcoming changes...


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I'm breaking my own rule about not fixing things that ain't broke, here! This may prove to be a mistake.

However, since Yves moved his long FL kit into our robotic shed I haven't had a long FL setup to play with and there are so many interesting little galaxies out there. The attack will be two pronged. The excellent Avalon is going to Yves for use at his home and a second hand Mesu (Argo Navis like my present one) is coming down to replace it. Meanwhile a friend in Lyon is to sell me his Atik 460 and F/W. The Mesu can carry our still unused  10 inch ACF Meade plus TEC so we will be able to compare the following:

TEC 140/Atik 460, F7 at 0.91 arcsecs per pixel

Meade ACF/Atik 11000, F10 at 0.74 arcsecs per pixel.

They could conceivably operate as a dual rig but, before investing in a tilt-pan adjuster for the TEC, I'd need to be sure that mirror movement in the SCT (which will use an OAG) did not scupper captures in the TEC. I strongly suspect that some movement will be inevitable. We have already operated a Mesu at 0.66 arcsecs per pixel so have no guiding worries.

Things start to happen on Sunday with the arrival of the mount...


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