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Need help with milkyway

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I'm happy that I'm going for a trip with my family to a hill station in may. I was very happy. I checked the light pollution map and the sky was really good. As its may the milkyway would be seen?

But to my disappointment the moon is near the milkyway as gibbous phase. I began banging my head ?

I saw some milkyway shots with the moon in the frame. Is it possible to image the milkyway? 

The sky will be very dark cause there are no cities about 150km from this village which falls in a national park. Less humidity. 



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I am sorry, but if the moon is anywhere near the milky way you are up for a challenge. I am still working on a mosaic and took some panels with a moon in the sky and decided it's not worth it. Having said this, I live in a fairly dark area and can be picky. Since you do not have a choice give it a try and see what happens. You really have nothing to loose.

Good luck!


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22 hours ago, Nova2000 said:

I can try pixinsight background extractor maybe :)

Hi Rajesh,

it's not so much the case that the moon gets in the way and you "photoshop" it out of the picture, it's the amount of light the moon produces which drowns everything else in the sky - especially faint objects. For example, the following picture I took on a full moon's night at about 10 pm (in winter, so it WAS dark). exposure time 10 sec, f/4, ISO 1600.


You couldn't tell that it is the middle of the night... The fact that the sky was hazy made things just worse. Now, the next image is a combination of 15 images, 180sec exposure, f/3.2, ISO400. The main difference is: No moon!


By the way, this is the Sagittarius region of the milky way - its brightest part, with the Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20) nebula in the centre and the Eagle (M16) and Swan or Omega nebula (M17) to the left. There is no way I would get the exposure time needed to capture the dust clouds with the moon in the vicinity. However, since I don't know your exact travel time, you might not deal with a full moon and you might not want to push the level of detail to the example above. As I said before, you are at a dark site, try your best and see how much you can get out of your subs despite the moon's presence.

Clear skies!



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16 minutes ago, hjw said:

Hi Rajesh,

it's not so much the case that the moon gets in the way and you "photoshop" it out of the picture, it's the amount of light the moon produces which drowns everything else in the sky - especially faint objects. For example, the following picture I took on a full moon's night at about 10 pm (in winter, so it WAS dark). exposure time 10 sec, f/4, ISO 1600.


You couldn't tell that it is the middle of the night... The fact that the sky was hazy made things just worse. Now, the next image is a combination of 15 images, 180sec exposure, f/3.2, ISO400. The main difference is: No moon!


By the way, this is the Sagittarius region of the milky way - its brightest part, with the Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20) nebula in the centre and the Eagle (M16) and Swan or Omega nebula (M17) to the left. There is no way I would get the exposure time needed to capture the dust clouds with the moon in the vicinity. However, since I don't know your exact travel time, you might not deal with a full moon and you might not want to push the level of detail to the example above. As I said before, you are at a dark site, try your best and see how much you can get out of your subs despite the moon's presence.

Clear skies!



I checked stellerium. Moon sets at about 3am and suns first glow appears about at 5:30am. When the moon will be setting (6 may) the sagittarius arm will be at the zenith. I hope I can capture it. 

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20 minutes ago, Nova2000 said:

I checked stellerium. Moon sets at about 3am and suns first glow appears about at 5:30am. When the moon will be setting (6 may) the sagittarius arm will be at the zenith. I hope I can capture it. 

Imaging time 3-5:30 a.m. - Now that's dedication! I like it :D

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